A DIY component is not usually created directly, but is created by the New Component Dialog from DIY class map entries. (Or, during testing, created by the testDIYScript() function.)
scriptFileResource | the URL of the script file that defines the component |
gameCode | the short code identifying the game the component is for |
debug | if true, a breakpoint will be set at the start of the script |
The following are the basic configuration properties for a DIY component. These properties can only be set inside of the DIY's create() function (or inside of its onRead()):
DIY.extensionName (default null)
If set, this will be displayed to the user as part of the error message
if the script file cannot be found. If a user opens a component for which
the script file is not present, this allows Strange Eons to direct them
to the extension they need to install in order to open the file.
DIY.faceStyle (default: FaceStyle.PLAIN_BACK)
This controls the number and type of faces (sides) that the component provides.
The following values are possible:
FaceStyle.ONE_FACE | The component has only one face. |
FaceStyle.PLAIN_BACK | The component has a front face and a plain back face (a fixed image that is drawn automatically). |
FaceStyle.SHARED_FACE | The component has two faces, but they are identical. |
FaceStyle.TWO_FACES | The component has two different faces. |
FaceStyle.CARD_AND_MARKER | The component has three faces (four in practice); the first two faces are typically the front and back of a card, while the third is one side of a marker (with identical obverse side). If the component has a portrait key set (see below), then the card and marker will share a potrait. This is most commonly used for character cards with matching character markers. |
FaceStyle.FOUR_FACES | The component has four faces; for example, two closely related cards or a folding panel. |
If the style is set to ONE_FACE or SHARED_FACE, then any properties that pertain to the card's back face (such as backTemplateKey) will be ignored and paintBack() will never be called. If the style is set to PLAIN_BACK, then the backTemplateKey should point to an image resource for the back of the card. In this case again, paintBack() will not be called (the card back will be created automatically from the image resource). If the style is set to anything other than CARD_AND_MARKER, then attempting to change or read any property associated with the market will typically throw an IllegalStateException.
DIY.frontTemplateKey (default: diy-front-sheet)
This is the base name for a group of settings keys that describe the template
image for the front face of the component. The template image determines the
size of the component and is normally painted on the face to provide the
component's background. The following keys can be defined, but only the
first is required (where xxx is the base name provided by
xxx-template | The resource file that contains the image. |
xxx-ppi | If present, the resolution of the template image in pixels per inch (2.54cm) (default is 150). |
xxx-expsym-region | If present, the region where the expansion symbol is drawn (default is no expansion symbol). (It is also possible to add additional keys to position specific expansions.) |
xxx-expsym-invert | The index of the expansion symbol variant to use by default (the default is index 0). |
xxx-upsample | A factor to multiply the resolution by for previews (default is 1.0; usually only changed when a component has very small text, about 6 points or less) |
The template image for a face can be drawn in its respective paint function (paintFront or paintBack) by calling sheet.paintTemplateImage( g ).
DIY.backTemplateKey (default: diy-front-sheet)
This property works the same as frontTemplateKey, but it controls
the template image for the back face rather than the front. The property
is ignored if the face style is FaceStyle.ONE_FACE or
For faces after the first two, you must set the key using the
setTemplateKey( index, templateKey ) function, which allows you to
set any face's template by its index. The properties frontTemplateKey
and backTemplateKey are just shorthand for setting the faces with
indices 0 and 1, respectively. For example, to set the template key for
the marker in a CARD_AND_MARKER component, you would use an index
of 2.
DIY.portraitKey (default: null)
If this is not null, then the card has a portrait image and the
editor will provide a tab for editing the portrait settings. The value is
the base name of a setting key. To use a portrait, the following settings
must also be defined (where xxx is the base name provided by
xxx-portrait-template | The resource file that contains the default portrait image. |
xxx-portrait-clip-region | The region where the portrait will be drawn on the card. |
In addition, the following settings are optional. If they are not present, then the portrait will default to a pan of (0,0) and the scale will be determined automatically using the size of the portrait image and the clip region.
xxx-portrait-scale | The scale setting for the default portrait image (where 1 = 100%). |
xxx-portrait-panx | The number of units by which the default image is shifted horizontally (usually 0). |
xxx-portrait-pany | The number of units by which the default image is shifted vertically (usually 0). |
If the face style is FaceStyle.CARD_AND_MARKER, then you must
also define a clip region for the portrait as it is drawn on the marker,
and you may define scale and pan values for the default portrait image.
These keys use the same names as above, but replacing portrait
with marker. (The marker will use the same portrait image
as the card, but it will have its own scale and position.)
DIY.portraitBackgroundFilled (default: true)
If true, the portrait clip region will be filled in with solid
white before painting the portrait. This is usually set when the user is
expected to use portraits that have transparency, for example, if there is
a standard graphic that should appear behind the portrait image.
DIY.portraitScaleUsesMinimum (default: false)
This flag changes how the defualt scale is selected when the user chooses
a new portrait image. Normally, a portrait is scaled so that the
card's portrait clip region is just barely completely covered, so that no
background shows through. When this flag is set to true, the portrait
is scaled so that the entire image is just contained within the clip region.
This is useful when there is one standard background shared by all components
and the portraits themselves are a transparent "cut-out" that will be drawn over
this standard background.
DIY.portraitClipping (default: true)
If set to true (the default), then the portrait will be clipped to
the portrait clipping region: any part of the portrait that falls outside
of the clip region will not be drawn. When set to false, the
portrait clip region will only be used to determine the initial scale of a
If the face style is FaceStyle.CARD_AND_MARKER, then you can also
control the background fill, default scaling method, and clipping for the
portrait when drawn on the marker using the same properties as above
but substituting marker for portrait in the property name.
DIY.customPortraitHandling (default: false)
If this is true, then the simplified portrait handling described above
will not be used. Instead, the DIY script must provide its own implementation
of the PortraitProvider interface (by implementing
the functions getPortraitCount and getPortrait( index )).
This allows you to create components with more complex portrait needs, such as
portraits that allow rotation, multiple portraits, or linked portraits
(a portrait that shares an image with another portrait, but has its own
pan and scale values, like the marker for a CARD_AND_MARKER component).
If you wish to use custom portrait handling, then the methods for controlling clipping, filling, and default scale will have no effect. However, you can use the class DefaultPortriat to implement your custom portraits, which provides analogous functionality.
Note: When this is true, reading the portraitKey will return null and attempting to change it to anything other than null will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.
DIY.transparentFaces (default: false)
This flag indicates that the face(s) of this card may contain transparent
and/or translucent pixels. This can be used to create faces with shaped
edges or holes. This flag should only be set when needed as transparent
faces require more processor and memory resources than opaque cards.
DIY.variableSizedFaces (default: false)
This flag indicates that the component may vary in size depending on its
content. The template image must be the maximum size that the card can
grow to. The final size of the face will be determined after it is painted by
cropping off any edges that are completely transparent (i.e., have an alpha value
of 0). Setting this flag to true automatically sets
DIY.transparentFaces to true.
DIY.deckSnappingHint (default: DeckSnappingHint.CARD)
This setting controls how this component will initially snap to other components
when it is in a deck. The possible values are:
DeckSnappingHint.CARD | This is a card; it will have crop marks and snap to other cards and the page grid. |
DeckSnappingHint.TILE | This is a tile (a basic building block for an expansion board). It will not have crop marks and it will snap to other tiles and the page grid. |
DeckSnappingHint.OVERLAY | This component is overlaid over other components (usually tiles). Overlays do not snap to other components or the page grid and do not have crop marks. |
DeckSnappingHint.INLAY | This is an inlay. Inlays snap to other inlays, tiles and the page grid, but when they snap to objects other than inlays they snap to the inside rather than the outside of the snapping edge. |
DeckSnappingHint.OTHER | Objects with this hint snap only to other objects with this hint. They are not given crop marks. |
DIY.bleedMargin (default: 0)
This indicates the size of an optional margin around the edges of a component
that is to be used as a bleed margin. A bleed margin is an area where the
graphics of a card continue outside of the normal boundary of the card.
This allows for imprecision when the card is cut by machine. If the machine
is misaligned by a small amount, the card content will be slightly off center but
it won't have a blank area along the edge(s) that would make the misalignment
obvious. When a margin value is set, the crop marks produced by the deck editor
are automatically adjusted accordingly.
If a bleed margin is set, the same value is used on all four sides. The size of the margin is measured in points (pt) and cannot be negative. Typical bleed margin sizes in the publishing industry are 3 mm (8.5 pt) or 1/8" (9 pt).
Setting the margin value does not change the underlying graphics. You must
design your template image with a bleed margin in mind, adding pixels equal to
twice the margin size to both the width and height, and centering the "real"
card template in the larger space.
For example, if your template image is 150 DPI and you wish to include a
9 pt margin, you must add:
150 pixels/in / 72 pt/in * 9 pt * 2 sides = 38 pixels (after rounding up)
DIY.highResolutionSubstitutionMode (default: enabled)
This controls whether high resolution image substitution is enabled.
When enabled, methods defined in DIYSheet that paint images
will automatically check for a copy of the image key that ends with
-hires. If that key exists, then that image will be substituted
when the card is being printed or exported at a resolution higher than
that of the card's template image. For example, suppose we provide the
following keys for a card's front template image:
my-card-front-template = mycard/front-150.jp2 my-card-front-dpi = 150 my-card-front-template-hires = mycard/front-300.jp2Then when the card is printed or exported at more than 150 DPI, the alternate template image will be substituted by DIYSheet.paintTemplateImage.
Changing this property allows you to force substitution on or off. It is normally only changed for debugging purposes. Unlike other properties listed here, this can be changed at any time. The possible values are:
HighResolutionMode.DISABLE | do not allow substitution |
HighResolutionMode.ENABLE | allow substitution using the normal rules |
HighResolutionMode.FORCE | always substitute if possible |
DIY.setCustomFoldMarks( faceIndex, foldMarkVectors ) (default: none)
Defines custom fold marks for a card face. These will be drawn with the face
when it is added to a deck.
The faceIndex defines the card face (0=front, 1=back) to add marks
for, although usually such a card would only have a front side.
The array foldMarkVectors consists of one or more pairs of points
(four numbers in sequence) in the order (px,py),(dx,dy). The point (px,py)
indicates the location of the start of the fold mark
(assuming that the distance from the card to the fold mark is 0).
The point is measured realtive to the width and height of the card.
For example, (0.5, 0.0) is located at the middle of the top edge of the card.
The point (dx,dy) is a unit vector that indicates the direction of the
mark. For example, the unit vector (0,-1) points straight up.
diy | the custom component |
editor | the editor that the UI should be added to |
If the component has more than two faces, this method will be called once for each even-numbered face (0, 2, and so on). You can determine the index of the face being initialized with sheet.sheetIndex.
diy | the component being painted |
sheet | the sheet instance that is responsible for drawing this face of the component |
If the component has more than two faces, this method will be called once for each odd-numbered face (1, 3, and so on). You can determine the index of the face being initialized with sheet.sheetIndex.
diy | the component being painted |
sheet | the sheet instance that is responsible for drawing this face of the component |
The graphics context g will be scaled to the resolution of the card's template image (usually 150 pixels per inch/2.54 cm). This means that 1 unit in the graphics context is equivalent to 1 pixel on your template image. (If for some reason you need to know the true resolution that the card is being drawn at, you can read it from sheet.effectiveSheetDotsPerInch.)
If the component has more than two faces, this method will be called once for each even-numbered face (0, 2, and so on). You can determine the index of the face being initialized with sheet.sheetIndex.
g | a Graphics2D context that can be used to paint the card face |
diy | the component being painted |
sheet | the sheet instance that is responsible for drawing this face of the component; it offers useful helper methods that can simplify painting |
If the component has more than two faces, this method will be called once for each odd-numbered face (1, 3, and so on). You can determine the index of the face being initialized with sheet.sheetIndex.
g | a Graphics2D context that can be used to paint the card face |
diy | the component being painted |
sheet | the sheet instance that is responsible for drawing this face of the component; it offers useful helper methods that can simplify painting |
diy | the component being cleared |
One use of this function is to upgrade old cards if you introduce a new version of the component. Here is the basic process for upgrading a card: The DIY object has an integer version field which contains the value 1 by default. When you introduce a new version of your component, set this field to the next higher number in your create() function. When the card is read in, check the version number and upgrade it if it is from an older version. For example, the second version of your component would include code like this:
function create( diy ) { diy.version = 2; } // ... function onRead( diy, objectInputStream ) { if( diy.version < 2 ) { // set settings that are new in v2 to a default value // ... diy.version = 2; // this card is now the latest version } }
diy | the component being read from disk |
objectInputStream | the stream from which the card is being loaded; for advanced use only |
If this function is left in a plug-in bundle, it will display a warning (if script warnings are enabled), but otherwise it has no effect. It will only create a test component if run directly from a script editor.
gameCode | an optional code for the game this component is from; this is needed if you wish to test expansion symbol painting or inherit from the game's master settings |
var diy = DIY.createTestInstance( new arkham.diy.Handler() { create: function() { println( "create" ); }, createInterface: function() { println( "createInterface" ); }, createFrontPainter: function() { println( "createFrontPainter" ); }, createBackPainter: function() { println( "createBackPainter" ); }, paintFront: function() { println( "paintFront" ); }, paintBack: function() { println( "paintBack" ); }, onClear: function() { println( "onClear" ); }, onRead: function() { println( "onRead" ); }, onWrite: function() { println( "onWrite" ); }, }); var ed = diy.createDefaultEditor(); Eons.addEditor( ed );See testDIYScript()
is set.
However, it is useful if you need to create other graphics contents,
for example, if you create a draw on a temporary image.
g | the graphics context to initialize |
but with
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
imageKey | the settings key of the image |
x | the horizontal offset from the left side of the template image |
y | the vertical offset from the top edge of the template image |
but with
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
imageKey | the settings key of the image |
x | the horizontal offset from the left side of the template image |
y | the vertical offset from the top edge of the template image |
width | the width of the painted image; the image is resized to fit if required |
height | the height of the painted image; the image is resized to fit if required |
but with
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
sharedKey | the settings key of the image, and base name of the region key |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
imageKey | the settings key of the image |
regionKey | the settings key of the region where the image should be drawn, without the "-region" suffix |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
text | the string to draw |
region | the region to draw the text in |
font | the font to use |
size | the point size of the text |
alignment | the horizontal alignment of the text within region |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
text | the string to draw |
region | the region to draw the text in |
font | the font to use |
maxSize | the maximum point size of the text |
alignment | the horizontal alignment of the text within region |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
text | the string to draw |
region | the region to draw the text in |
font | the font to use |
maxSize | the point size of the text |
outlineSize | the size of the outline |
textColor | the colour of the glyph interiors |
outlineColor | the colour of the glyph outlines |
alignment | the horizontal alignment of the text within region |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
text | the string to draw |
region | the region to draw the text in |
font | the font to use |
maxSize | the maximum point size of the text |
alignment | the horizontal alignment of the text within region |
g | the graphics context to use for painting |
text | the string to draw |
region | the region to highlight |