Package gamedata

Interface ExpansionSymbolTemplate

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ExpansionSymbolTemplate
    Describes the various expansion symbols needed to decorate components. For example, a particular game's components might make use of "Light", "Dark", and "Golden" versions of an expansion's symbol, depending on the component type. Templates are used by SE to help the user construct custom expansions for personal use.

    Visual Variants versus Logical Variants
    The template allows games to distinguish between visual variants (different expansion symbol styles) and logical variants (different semantic variants). For example, a game might use icons that are different colours for different types of components (visual variants), and draw the icon in different places depending on whether the icon is indicating that the component belongs to an expansion or requires that expansion (logical variants). The default expansion symbol painting mechanism assumes that these two classes are identical (that is, that each visual variant is also a logical variant); selecting a logical variant will result in the corresponding visual variant being painted.

    In Strange Eons, the Variant menu will be populated from the logical variant list, and the expansion setting on the component will be set with the index of the logical variant. When creating a new expansion using Expansion|New, the visual variant list will be used so that the user can supply appropriate graphics for the different visual variants.

    Chris Jennings
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canGenerateVariantsAutomatically()
      Returns true if this template can automatically generate a family of variants given an example image.
      java.awt.image.BufferedImage generateVariant​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage baseSymbol, int variant)
      Given an example image, generates a variant automatically.
      java.awt.image.BufferedImage getDefaultSymbol​(int variant)
      Returns a variant of the default symbol.
      java.awt.Paint getDesignBackdropForVariant​(int variant)
      Returns a suggested paint to use as a backdrop for this variant.
      int getLogicalVariantCount()
      Returns the number of logical variants for games that distinguish between visual variants and logical variants.
      javax.swing.Icon getLogicalVariantIcon​(int variant)
      Returns an icon that can accompany the logical variant name to visually distinguish the the variant.
      java.lang.String getLogicalVariantName​(int variant)
      Returns the name of the nth logical variant for games that distinguish between visual variants and logical variants.
      int getVariantCount()
      Returns the number of variant symbols needed for components of the game this template describes.
      javax.swing.Icon getVariantIcon​(int variant)
      Returns an icon that can accompany the variant name to visually distinguish the style of the variant.
      java.lang.String getVariantName​(int variant)
      Returns the name of the nth symbol variant; this is a simple description in the UI language; e.g., "Regular", "Inversed".
      boolean isCustomDrawn()
      Returns true if the components for this game will draw the expansion symbols themselves instead of relying on the default mechanism.
    • Method Detail

      • getVariantCount

        int getVariantCount()
        Returns the number of variant symbols needed for components of the game this template describes. This is not the number of expansion symbols, but the number of variant styles required for each symbol. For example, for one game all of the symbols might be black. That is one symbol variant. Another game might use black symbols on light cards, and white symbols on dark cards. That is two symbol variants.
        the number of symbol variants
      • getVariantName

        java.lang.String getVariantName​(int variant)
        Returns the name of the nth symbol variant; this is a simple description in the UI language; e.g., "Regular", "Inversed".
        variant - the variant number of the symbol
        a description of the symbol
      • getVariantIcon

        javax.swing.Icon getVariantIcon​(int variant)
        Returns an icon that can accompany the variant name to visually distinguish the style of the variant. A typical icon is a disc filled with a characteristic colour taken from the variant's design.
        variant - the variant number
        a simple icon that helps distinguish the variant
      • getLogicalVariantCount

        int getLogicalVariantCount()
        Returns the number of logical variants for games that distinguish between visual variants and logical variants.
        the number of logical variants
      • getLogicalVariantName

        java.lang.String getLogicalVariantName​(int variant)
        Returns the name of the nth logical variant for games that distinguish between visual variants and logical variants.
        variant - the logical variant number
        a description of the logical variant
      • getLogicalVariantIcon

        javax.swing.Icon getLogicalVariantIcon​(int variant)
        Returns an icon that can accompany the logical variant name to visually distinguish the the variant.
        variant - the logical variant number
        a simple icon that helps distinguish the logical variant
      • getDefaultSymbol

        java.awt.image.BufferedImage getDefaultSymbol​(int variant)
        Returns a variant of the default symbol. This is a sample image that can be used if the user elects not to provide one. For example, the standard expansion template uses asterisk graphics for this purpose.
        variant - the number of the symbol
        a description of the symbol
      • getDesignBackdropForVariant

        java.awt.Paint getDesignBackdropForVariant​(int variant)
        Returns a suggested paint to use as a backdrop for this variant. This can be used when selecting or editing a symbol with this variant. For example, the end user expansion dialog (Expansion|New) will use this for the drop boxes that the user drops symbol images on. If this method returns null, a default paint will be used.
        variant - the index of the variant to obtain a backdrop for
        a paint to use as the backdrop, or null to use the default
      • isCustomDrawn

        boolean isCustomDrawn()
        Returns true if the components for this game will draw the expansion symbols themselves instead of relying on the default mechanism.
        true if expansion symbols are drawn by the component; false if expansion symbols are drawn by Strange Eons
      • canGenerateVariantsAutomatically

        boolean canGenerateVariantsAutomatically()
        Returns true if this template can automatically generate a family of variants given an example image.
        true if generateVariant(java.awt.image.BufferedImage, int) is supported
      • generateVariant

        java.awt.image.BufferedImage generateVariant​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage baseSymbol,
                                                     int variant)
        Given an example image, generates a variant automatically.
        baseSymbol - the example symbol to base the new design on; usually it has the same style as the symbol at position 0
        variant - the number of the symbol design to generate
        the generated symbol for position n
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this template cannot generate symbols