Factory task

A Factory task is used to create game component (.eon) files automatically. They can be used to manage translations of a game into multiple languages, to reduce the monotony of creating components that follow a regular pattern, or to create components using data from an external source.

Because they both deal with groups of components, factories support many of the same actions as Deck tasks. If you have not already done so, you should read that page first.

Types of factories

Factory tasks come in different flavours depending on exactly how they create components. Here are two of the most common types:

CSV Factory

This factory produces components by reading data from a CSV data table. It is not built in, but added by installing a plug-in. It is described in detail on its own manual page.

⚠️ Scripted Factory

This factory type is built into Strange Eons. It is extremely flexible, but requires the most effort to use. Scripted factories include a script file, make.js, that creates the desired components when run. A sample script is provided as a starting point.

To run the script and build your components, right click the task folder and choose Make. (Or run the script directly.)

To delete the current set of .eon files, right click the task folder and choose Clean.

To lay out a deck of components automatically, right click the task folder and choose Make Deck.

To test a deck of cards without printing them, right click the task folder and choose Virtual Deck.

The Gilman Memorial Exhibit is a sample project that implements an expansion for the Arkham Horror board game. It uses scripted factories to create French and Spanish translations of the original English cards and can be a useful reference for using this factory type.