Plug-in tasks

Several of the task types in Strange Eons are concerned with creating plug-ins. All plug-in task folders support the same actions; the difference between them is in how they set up the task folder.

For information on creating plug-ins, refer to the Developer Manual.

Empty Plug-in
Creates a suitable task folder but adds no initial content.

Import Plug-in
Prompts you select an existing plug-in bundle stored on your computer and then unpacks its contents into the new task folder. This can be used to examine or extend an existing plug-in. If you are using this plug-in as a basis for an entirely new plug-in, be sure to generate a new UUID (unique ID) so that Strange Eons can tell them apart.

If the imported bundle uses compiled .class files, you will also need the original source files in order to review or modify the code.

New Plug-in
Leads you through some basic choices about the kind of plug-in you want to create, then creates a task with some skeleton code and resources to get you started.