Interface PreferenceCategory

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
      Returns the icon used to represent this category visually.
      javax.swing.JPanel getPanel()
      Returns the panel of controls that allows the user to edit the settings for this category.
      java.lang.String getTitle()
      Returns the localized name of this preference category.
      boolean isRestartRequired()
      This method is called after storeSettings() when the user accepts the changes in the preferences dialog.
      void loadSettings()
      This method is called when the preferences dialog is about to be displayed so that the category's controls can be initialized from the current user settings.
      void storeSettings()
      This method is called when the user accepts the changes in the preferences dialog.
    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        java.lang.String getTitle()
        Returns the localized name of this preference category.
        the category name, in the interface locale
      • getIcon

        javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
        Returns the icon used to represent this category visually. The returned icon should be 48x48 pixels in size. If null is returned, a default icon will be used.
        an icon representing this category
      • getPanel

        javax.swing.JPanel getPanel()
        Returns the panel of controls that allows the user to edit the settings for this category. The returned panel should match the design of standard panels, such as the use of a white background and gold headings.
        a panel of user interface controls
      • loadSettings

        void loadSettings()
        This method is called when the preferences dialog is about to be displayed so that the category's controls can be initialized from the current user settings.
      • storeSettings

        void storeSettings()
        This method is called when the user accepts the changes in the preferences dialog. It should update the settings values based on the current value of the controls in the panel.
      • isRestartRequired

        boolean isRestartRequired()
        This method is called after storeSettings() when the user accepts the changes in the preferences dialog. It should return true if and only if the user has changed a preference in such a way that the change cannot take effect until the application is restarted.
        true if the application must be restarted for changes to take effect