Class Tables

  • public class Tables
    extends java.lang.Object
    A registry of TableGenerator instances. By registering your own generator, you can extend the list of data tables available from the debugger.
    Chris Jennings
    • Field Detail

      • SETTINGS

        public static final TableGenerator SETTINGS
        Standard table of root settings.
      • GAMES

        public static final TableGenerator GAMES
        Standard table of games and expansions.
      • PLATFORM

        public static final TableGenerator PLATFORM
        Standard table of platform-specific information.
      • MEMORY

        public static final TableGenerator MEMORY
        Standard table of memory management details.
      • THREADS

        public static final TableGenerator THREADS
        Standard table of thread states.
      • JVM

        public static final TableGenerator JVM
        Standard table of virtual machine information.
      • FONTS

        public static final TableGenerator FONTS
        Standard table of font information.
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public static java.lang.String register​(TableGenerator tg)
        Register a table. If the table is already registered, this method has no effect. If a table with the same name is already registered, then a new unique name will be synthesized for the table based on the conflicting name.
        tg - the generator to register
        the name that the generator is registered under; this may be different from the name returned by the generator itself
      • unregister

        public static void unregister​(TableGenerator tg)
        Removes a generator from the registry. There is no effect if the generator is not registered.
        tg - the generator to unregister
      • getTableNames

        public static java.lang.String[] getTableNames()
        Returns an array of the names of the registered generators.
        an array of the current generator names
      • getGenerator

        public static TableGenerator getGenerator​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the generator with the given name, or null if there is no such generator.
        name - the name of the generator to find
        the generator registered under name, or null
      • generate

        public static InfoTable generate​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a table generator using the generator with the given name, or null.
        name - the name of the generator to use
        a table generated with the named generator, or null