AbstractInstalledPlugin |
An installed plug-in bridges the gap between a plug-in bundle and the
plug-ins that it contains.
AbstractPlugin |
Simplifies writing a plug-in by providing default implementations of all
BundleInstaller |
The bundle installer is responsible for discovering, installing, and
uninstalling plug-in bundles, as well as linking them to the application at
ConsoleErrorLocation |
Represents information about an error that has been printed as part of a
stack trace in the script output window.
ConsoleInput |
Adds a simple input field to a script console to evaluate script code.
DefaultScriptedPlugin |
The standard implementation of ScriptedPlugin that executes
JavaScript-based plug-ins.
InstallationNotesViewer |
Dialog used to display the installation notes for a plug-in.
InstalledBundleObject |
Implemented by objects that encapsulate a plug-in bundle that has been
discovered by the bundle installer.
InstalledExtension |
An InstalledExtension bridges the gap between an extension plug-in
bundle and the plug-ins that it contains.
InstalledLibrary |
Represents an installed library.
InstalledPlugin |
An InstalledPlugin bridges the gap between a plug-in bundle and the
plug-ins that it contains.
InstalledTheme |
Provides the information needed to allow the user to select a theme, and for
the ThemeInstaller to install a selected theme.
LibImpl |
Helper methods that support the implementation of the script library.
LibImpl.ScriptTraceElement |
Information about a single frame on the script call stack.
LibraryRegistry |
A registry of available scripting libraries.
PluginBundle |
A plug-in bundle is a file that stores the code and resources required by a
PluginContextFactory |
PluginRoot |
Represents the information stored in a plug-in bundle's root file.
QuickscriptPlugin |
A plug-in that allows editing and running small scripts from within Strange
Eons without the need to create a project or script file.
ScriptConsole |
A window that provides a console that can be written to.
ScriptedRunnable |
A Runnable that can execute script code in another thread.
ScriptMonkey |
A ScriptMonkey manages the execution of a script from Strange Eons.
StrangeEonsEvaluatorFactory |
An evaluator factory that creates evaluators for <script> tags in
MarkupRenderer s.
UILibraryDialogTemplate |
This dialog class is used to help create dialogs from containers in the
uilayout scripting library.
UILibraryHelper |
UILibraryHelper.BindableGroup |
A button group that supports including the group in a
Bindings script object.
UILibraryHelper.CodeArea |
UILibraryHelper.TintableBinding |
Support class used to implement the binding of HSBPanel s to tint
settings in the uibindings