Class ConvolveFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConvolveFilter
    extends AbstractConvolver
    Performs an image convolution on an image. This is similar to ConvolveOp, with two key differences:
    1. This class offers more complex options for handling image edges.
    2. This class makes use of the acceleration framework provided by the AbstractImageFilter framework. Note that ConvolveOp may also provide acceleration; typically this is GPU-based acceleration for small kernel sizes. (Which implementation is faster will depend on a number of platform-specific factors.)

    In-place filtering: Unless otherwise noted, filters based on this class support in-place filtering (the source and destination images can be the same).

    Chris Jennings
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConvolveFilter

        public ConvolveFilter()
        Creates a new convolve filter set with a simple blur filter.
      • ConvolveFilter

        public ConvolveFilter​(int kernelWidth,
                              int kernelHeight,
                              float... kernelData)
        Creates a new convolve filter. This is a convenience that creates a new Kernel with the specified width, height, and matrix values. The kernel matrix will not be normalized; if the elements of the kernel do not sum to 1, the brightness of the destination image will be changed by the filter.
        kernelWidth - the width of the kernel matrix
        kernelHeight - the height of the kernel matrix
        kernelData - the matrix data values
      • ConvolveFilter

        public ConvolveFilter​(boolean normalize,
                              int kernelWidth,
                              int kernelHeight,
                              float... kernelData)
        Creates a new convolve filter. This is a convenience that creates a new Kernel with the specified width, height, and matrix values.
        normalize - whether the m
        kernelWidth - the width of the kernel matrix
        kernelHeight - the height of the kernel matrix
        kernelData - the matrix data values
      • ConvolveFilter

        public ConvolveFilter​(java.awt.image.Kernel kernel)
        Creates a new convolve filter with the specified kernel.
        kernel - the convolution kernel
    • Method Detail

      • getKernel

        public java.awt.image.Kernel getKernel()
        Returns the convolution kernel.
        the current kernel
      • setKernel

        public void setKernel​(java.awt.image.Kernel kernel)
        Sets the convolution kernel.
        kernel - the kernel to use
      • setKernel

        public void setKernel​(boolean normalize,
                              int width,
                              int height,
                              float... kernelData)
        Sets the convolution kernel. This is a convenience that creates a new Kernel with the specified width, height, and matrix values.
        normalize - if true, the matrix will be normalized so that its elements sum to 1; this prevents the overall image brightness from changing
        width - the width of the kernel
        height - the height of the kernel
        kernelData - an array of kernel values, in row-major order
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the array is less than with product of the width and height or if normalize is true and the kernel elements sum to zero
      • setEdgeHandling

        public void setEdgeHandling​(EdgeHandling edgeHandling)
        Sets the edge handling mode. The edge handling mode determines the stand-in pixel values used for pixels at the edge of the image, where part of the kernel would lie outside of the source image.
        edgeHandling - the edge handling mode
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the edge handling mode is null
      • getKernels

        protected java.awt.image.Kernel[] getKernels()
        Description copied from class: AbstractConvolver
        Returns the convolution kernel(s) that should be applied to execute this filter. Typically, array is either length one (non-separable) or length two (separable).
        Specified by:
        getKernels in class AbstractConvolver
        an array of non-null convolution kernels