AbstractConvolver |
An abstract base class for filters that perform convolutions.
AbstractFunctionFilter |
An abstract base class for filters that apply a transfer function to the red,
green, and blue channels to produce a result.
AbstractImageFilter |
An abstract base class for filtering images.
AbstractImagewiseFilter |
An abstract base class for image filters that require access to the entire
image at once when processing.
AbstractPixelwiseFilter |
An abstract superclass for filters that work on a pixel-by-pixel basis, where
the new value of a given pixel is independent of every other pixel and the
location of the pixel in the image.
AbstractRowwiseFilter |
An abstract superclass for filters that work on a row-by-row basis.
AbstractTintingFilter |
BlurFilter |
A filter that performs a fast box blur operation.
EdgeHandling |
An enumeration of the options for handling off-image source pixels.
StrokeFilter.Position |
An enumeration of the possible positions for the pen relative to the
edges in the source image.
TintFilter |
A basic, general purpose card tinting filter.
TintingFilter |
An interface implemented by filters that filter an image by adjusting them in
the HSB colour space.
TintOverlayFilter |
This filter changes the colour of every pixel to an HSB colour value, but
leaves the alpha value untouched.