AnimatedIcon |
An icon that animates through a series of images at a fixed rate.
ArcBorder |
A border that creates an arc along two sides of the component.
AutocompletionDocument |
An adapter for the document in the JTextComponent of a
JComboBox that extends the JComboBox to automatically
complete the field text using entries from the combo box list.
BlankIcon |
An icon that takes up space but paints nothing.
BrightnessLabel |
Shows a gradient of relative hue changes.
CapsuleBorder |
Draws a border with a horizontal capsule shape, rounded on the ends and with
an optional thin border along the top and/or bottom.
ClipPlayer |
A simple audio clip player intended to play audio cues as part of a user
DefaultTreeCellRenderer |
An alternative base class for custom tree cell renderers that renders the
focused cell correctly under the Nimbus look and feel.
DocumentEventAdapter |
A DocumentListener that routes all events through
changedUpdate .
EditorPane |
A drop-in replacement for JEditorPane with somewhat improved painting
quality and performance when rendering the text/html content type.
EyeDropper |
An eye dropper component that the user can drag to select any colour on the
FileNameExtensionFilter |
Creates a file filter for a specified file type.
FilteredDocument |
An extension of PlainDocument that transparently filters out certain
FilteredListModel<E> |
A model for JList s that supports filtering.
FilteredListModel.ChoosableListFilter |
A list filter that can be selected from a list of filters.
FolderTree |
A tree that displays the local file system folders, and supports selection of
one of these folders.
HueLabel |
Shows a gradient of relative hue changes.
IconBorder |
Paints an icon on the left or right side of a component, depending on reading
IconRow |
An icon row combines two or more icons into a single icon by painting them in
a horizontal row.
JCheckList |
A JList of JCheckBox items.
JCheckList.Renderer |
JCloseableTabbedPane |
JCycleButton<M> |
A user interface control that cycles through a fixed set of options.
JExpansionList |
A list control for selecting one or more expansions.
JFileField |
A specialized text field for choosing files and folders.
JFilterField |
A text field that allows users to search a list or other component.
JGameCombo |
A combo box that allows the selection of a game.
JGameFilterField |
A dropdown list that allows lists of options to be filtered by search term or
by game.
JGlyphViewer |
A simple viewer that shows a single glyph from a font.
JHeading |
A title heading label with large font and grey underline.
JHelpButton |
A label that displays a help icon and can open a help page when clicked.
JIconComboBox<E> |
A combo box that that will draw icons for any added items that are
IconProvider s.
JIconDrop |
A box to drop image files on in order to fetch the image or image file.
JIconList<T> |
A list control that will draw icons for any added items that are
IconProvider s.
JIconList.IconItem |
Provides basic list items that will show a specified label and icon in a
JIconList .
JIconList.IconRenderer |
JIconSelector<S> |
A control that consists of a list of icon buttons for selecting from a group
of options.
JKeyStrokeField |
A field that allows the user to choose a key stroke by pressing the desired
key combination.
JLabelledField |
A quick and dirty labelled text field that shows a message until it gains
focus for the first time.
JLinkLabel |
A clickable link label.
JReorderableTabbedPane |
JRepeaterButton |
A button that generates action events as long as it is held down.
JTexturePanel |
A panel with a textured background.
JTip |
A small icon that displays a tip when the cursor floats over it.
JURLField |
A field for entering URLs, decorated to match the JFileField .
JUtilities |
General Swing utilities.
JWarningLabel |
A label that is styled as a warning box.
KeyFilter |
A KeyListener that, when added to a component, filters out certain
keys to prevent them from being processed by that component.
LabelIcon |
An icon that draws text.
LinearHistory<P> |
A LinearHistory captures a sequence of user actions and allows them
to be replayed, as with the forward/back operations in a browsing interface.
ListTransferHandler |
A transfer handler for moving items between lists.
ListTransferHandler.RubbishTransferHandler |
This can be used as the transfer handler for a "rubbish can".
MnemonicInstaller |
A singleton class that that intercepts components, extracts a mnemonic key
from the component's label or button text, and sets that as the the
component's mnemonic key.
OpacityLabel |
Shows a gradient of relative opacity changes.
RightAlignedListRenderer |
A renderer for lists that produces right-aligned (actually, opposite of
reading order) text.
SaturationLabel |
Shows a gradient of relative hue changes.
StepSelector |
Chooses the next step from a list of steps given a current value (which may
lie between steps) and a number of steps to move.
StrokedBorder |
A border that displays a dashed line around a component.
StyleUtilities |
Utility methods to set style client properties.
TabCloseComponent |
ThemedMatteBorder |
A matte border whose default style matches the current Theme .
TitleLabel |
A label control that is styled for use as a panel title (the default style is
a black background and bold white text).
ToggleSelectionModel |
A list selection model that toggles selection states instead of setting or
clearing them.
TreeBuilder<C,L> |
A TreeBuilder aids in the dynamic construction of a
TreeModel .
TreeBuilder.Container<T> |
The class used to represent container nodes in the tree.
TreeBuilder.Leaf<T> |
The class used to represent leaf nodes in the tree.
TreeLabelExposer |
A TreeLabelExposer causes a JTree to pop up a small component
to display the full label text when the mouse hovers over nodes whose label
doesn't fit in the tree component.
WideItemComboBox<T> |
A combo box that optionally allows the pop-up menu to be wider than the combo
box itself.