Class JavaScriptNavigator

    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaScriptNavigator

        public JavaScriptNavigator()
        Create a new script navigator.
    • Method Detail

      • getNavigationPoints

        public java.util.List<NavigationPoint> getNavigationPoints​(java.lang.String text)
        Description copied from interface: Navigator
        Parses the specified source text and returns a list of navigation points.
        Specified by:
        getNavigationPoints in interface Navigator
        text - the source text to determine navigation points for
        a (possibly empty) list of the extracted points
      • processTree

        protected void processTree​(org.mozilla.javascript.ast.AstRoot node)
        Description copied from class: AbstractUtilityParser
        This is called after each script is parsed to allow the utility access to the resulting abstract syntax tree. In the event of a serious parser error that prevents the tree from being generated, the root node will be null.
        processTree in class SyntaxChecker
        node - the root of the parse tree