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Interface JavaObject<T>

This is a placeholder in the documentation for any instance of a Java object. For example, if a function expects an argument with the Java type package.Class, this is listed in the documentation as JavaObject<"package.Class">. Clicking on the class name (the part in quotes) will jump to the documentation for that class in the Java API documentation.

Please note: This special notation is a trick to make the system that builds the JavaScript documentation happy (since it doesn't know anything about the Java API). You would never write JavaObject<"..."> in your script code. To refer to the class of the object in your code, the part in quotes will suffice. For example, suppose you have a function writeFile that the documentation states takes a JavaObject<"java.io.File"> (a Java File object). Then the script code that calls writeFile might look like this:

let myFile = new java.io.File("~/chris/output.txt");

Type parameters

  • T: string


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