Class TchoTchoTheme

  • public class TchoTchoTheme
    extends Theme
    A fallback theme that uses the system look and feel. (This theme was available in previous versions, but it was implemented virtually rather than using a theme class.)
    Chris Jennings
    • Constructor Detail

      • TchoTchoTheme

        public TchoTchoTheme()
    • Method Detail

      • getThemeName

        public java.lang.String getThemeName()
        Description copied from class: Theme
        Returns the name of this theme, as it should be presented to the user. Theme names are typically short, one or two words. A localized theme name should use the UI locale (Language.getInterfaceLocale()).

        The base class generates a name from the class name by removing "Theme" from the end (if present) and inserting a space whenever an upper case letter follows a lower case letter. So, for example, "TchoTchoTheme" would become "Tcho Tcho".

        getThemeName in class Theme
        the human-friendly name of this theme
      • patchWindows

        protected void patchWindows()
        Called from modifyManagerDefaults(javax.swing.UIDefaults) when the host operating system is Windows. Allows the installation of platform-specific changes to the system look and feel.
      • patchOther

        protected void patchOther()
        Called from modifyManagerDefaults(javax.swing.UIDefaults) when the host operating system is neither Windows nor OS X. Allows the installation of platform-specific changes to the system look and feel.
      • modifyManagerDefaults

        public void modifyManagerDefaults​(javax.swing.UIDefaults defaults)
        Description copied from class: Theme
        This method is called prior to instantiating the look and feel and allows you to modify the UI manager's default properties.
        Specified by:
        modifyManagerDefaults in class Theme
        defaults - the UIManager defaults
      • modifyLookAndFeelDefaults

        public void modifyLookAndFeelDefaults​(javax.swing.UIDefaults defaults)
        Description copied from class: Theme
        This method is called after the look and feel has been instantiated but before it has been installed and allows you to modify the look and feel's default properties.
        Specified by:
        modifyLookAndFeelDefaults in class Theme
        defaults - the Look and Feel UI defaults
      • getLookAndFeelClassName

        public java.lang.String getLookAndFeelClassName()
        Description copied from class: Theme
        Returns the look and feel class name. Subclasses may override this to use a custom look and feel.
        getLookAndFeelClassName in class Theme
        the name of a LookAndFeel subclass
      • getThemeGroup

        public java.lang.String getThemeGroup()
        Description copied from class: Theme
        Returns a string that names a group to which the theme belongs. Themes that have the same group will be placed together in the list of selectable themes. The base class returns the theme name. Themes that complement each other, such as light and dark variants of the same theme, should return the same group name. It is recommended to use the name of the light theme as the group name for both.
        getThemeGroup in class Theme
        a non-null string naming the theme's group