AbstractThemedIcon |
Abstract base class for themed icons.
CachingPainter<T> |
This painter wraps another painter, buffering the wrapped painter so that it
only needs to be called when the width or height changes.
DagonTheme |
The Dagon theme is a built-in theme that is a dark mode verison of
HydraTheme .
DreamlandsTheme |
HydraTheme |
The Hydra theme is a built-in theme featuring blue highlights and an abstract
wave motif.
LocaleIcon |
An icon that represents a locale, language, or region.
PaintSampleIcon |
Icon that shows what a paint looks like by using it to fill a shape.
Palette |
A theme-aware palette of standard colours.
Palette.Subset |
Encapsulates a palette subset broken into opaque and slightly translucent groups.
Palette.Variant |
PluginTestTheme |
The plug-in test theme is a special built-in theme.
SolidPainter |
A painter that simply paints the entire surface with a Color or other
Paint .
TaskIcon |
Icon that represents a task by adding the standard task background to
another icon.
TchoTchoTheme |
A fallback theme that uses the system look and feel.
Theme |
A Theme encapsulates a UI design theme.
ThemedCompoundIcon |
Icon that paints a pair of icons overtop of each other.
ThemedGlyphIcon |
A resolution independent icon that is drawn using glyphs (symbols) taken from
a font.
ThemedGlyphIconDesigner |
ThemedImageIcon |
An icon that whose image can change according to the installed Theme .
ThemedSingleImageIcon |
An image icon that scales the source image appropriately for high DPI
ThemeInstaller |
Installs the Theme specified by the user's settings.
TiledImagePainter<T> |
A painter that tiles an image over the entire painted surface.
UltharTheme |
A Theme implementation that wraps the